Get the best out of your trusted advisors. Optimise your outside counsel management, reduce cost and improve ROI.

IP Spend Management

The journey starts here!

Contact us for effective, honest and clear advice on IP spend management.

Are these questions bothering you?

Is there a more efficient way to work with our outside counsel?

Yes! The model of data exchange in the IP sector is rapidly changing. Patent and Trademark Offices globally make their data and documents available through online portals. The question must therefore be asked: Why do I pay my outside counsel to receive, docket and forward to me correspondence which I can digitally receive myself?

Are the rates in our outside counsel agreements too high?

After we have conducted a benchmarking, PSS can help you to renegotiate unfavourable fee arrangements and other conditions. This is underpinned by establishing annual reviews based on performance and financial metrics captured.

Is our spend for outside counsel increasing?

Let’s find out! We will not only clarify the “if” but also the “why” your spend is changing. PSS will conduct an in-depth analysis and benchmark this again relevant standards. You will get a detailed report on saving potential and return on investment.

How we will help your organisation

We specialise in providing expert advice and solutions to in-house legal departments, general counsels and c-suite executives, helping them optimise their costs for external legal advise while maximizing value.

Find out more

Strategically Managing Cost Management

Efficiently managing IP costs is paramount. Our consultants will help you ensure your IP budget is optimized while maintaining the highest standards of quality and service.

Optimizing Budget and ROI

Each organization has unique IP budget requirements. Our consultants conduct a comprehensive analysis of your IP operations, identifying potential cost-saving opportunities without compromising quality. This will help you allocate resources efficiently, prioritize expenditures, and eliminate unnecessary expenses. Our goal is to help you achieve the best return on investment for your IP activities.

Effectively Manage and Negotiate

At PSS Solutions you benefit from focused expertise in vendor selection, contract negotiation, and ongoing management. We ensure that you receive optimal value from your external counsels, negotiate favorable terms, and establish lasting partnerships.

Track Performance and Improve

At PSS Solutions we will assist you in developing robust performance metrics and KPIs tailored to your specific needs. You will make data-driven decisions and monitor the effectiveness of your IP spend management initiatives.

How to reach PSS Solutions

PSS Solutions GmbH
Froburgstrasse 12
4052 Basel

Technology in isolation will never resolve a problem. It is a key foundation on which the right people, structure and strategy is underpinned by.
PSS Solutions – The IP Operations Consultancy
PSS SOLUTIONS GMBH · Froburgstrasse 12 · 4052 BASEL · Switzerland · ‭+41 76 565 63 99
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